DWC Joins Historic Women’s March on Washington

DWC Joins Historic Women's March on Washington

On Saturday, January 21, DWC residents, participants, and staff joined approximately 750,000 others to participate in the Women’s March of Los Angeles – one of the marches affiliated with the Women’s March on Washington D.C. happening around the world.

An estimated 2.9 million people participated in sister marches across the globe, making the Women’s March the largest day of demonstration in American history. Rooted in ideals of equality, dignity, and social justice, the Women’s March was a chance to come together, celebrate our diverse backgrounds and show support for marginalized communities.

Women's March of Los Angeles

The march in Los Angeles included an impressive array of speakers including Supervisor Janice Hahn, Supervisor Hilda Solis, Senator Kevin de Leon, Senator Holly Mitchell, and Mayor Eric Garcetti. Every speaker emphasized how diversity should be a source of strength rather than division and the importance of working together to make our world the best it can be.

Mayor Garcetti urged marchers to take action in whatever way they can. He even gave a shout out to DWC!

“Today, we speak out, but tomorrow, we act,” he said. “When we see someone on the streets, tomorrow, we go to the Downtown Women’s Center, and we donate, or we join them. So a survivor of domestic violence who is sleeping on the streets tonight, she can come in tomorrow.”

DWC was proud to march in solidarity with people of all ages, races, ethnicities, gender identities, and religions who all agree advancing equality and celebrating unity make us stronger. We’re starting the year more committed than ever to our mission of not just ending homelessness for women, but to ensuring that all women’s voices are heard along the way.

Did you participate in a Women’s March this past weekend? If you’re looking for ways to keep up the momentum, check out Mayor Garcetti’s action center with eight great ways to get involved. Thank you for your continuous support of our work and your dedication to making the world a safer, more equitable place for all!

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