Rapidly connecting women in need to permanent housing

Rapid Re-Housing
Our Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Program helps newly homeless women quickly obtain permanent housing and retain it long-term. As a central tenet of the Housing First philosophy, RRH provides a variety of supportive services in addition to housing navigation support, in order to promote independence and individual empowerment while remaining flexible and responsive to every woman’s unique needs. Case managers assist with housing identification, rental subsidies, and move-in, and connect women with the resources they need to achieve personal stability and remain housed, whether that be mental health support, legal aid, workforce development, or access to vocational training.
We also have RRH staff who work specifically with veterans and women and families with histories of domestic violence. Case managers help veterans access U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, and assist survivors of domestic violence with safety planning, advocacy resources, and more.
“Thank you so much for all the support you have provided. If not for DWC, I would be in the streets!”
Program Spotlight
Our RRH team is contracted by the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust and Northrop Grunman to serve at least 20 female-identifying veterans every year through case management services, therapy referrals, and assistance with housing navigation and benefits. This program fills critical gaps for many women who, despite serving our country, are considered ineligible for services through the VA, such as those dishonorably discharged due to sexual orientation, mental health issues, or traumatization during service. Our team is committed to meeting and exceeding all program goals: in 2019, 42 veterans were served and our funding was doubled to continue meeting the need!