Connecting women to permanent housing throughout Los Angeles County

Community-Based Housing
Our Community-Based Housing (CBH) Program connects single unaccompanied women and women with children to permanent housing and supportive services throughout Los Angeles County. CBH case managers provide each woman with the individualized support she needs to regain personal stability.
We offer:
- Rapid Re-Housing assistance to any woman in need of housing and particularly for women escaping domestic violence, to connect them with safe, permanent housing as quickly as possible.
- Support for women veterans, through housing vouchers, move-in assistance, trauma recovery resources, and help navigating the complex process of applying for veteran benefits.
- Case management for women living with severe mental or physical health conditions, to develop long-term healthcare strategies.
The program operates through partnerships with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, and various private foundations.
“My case manager’s support didn’t stop when I found a home. Working with DWC helped me realize I didn’t have to give up on the dreams I had for the life I wanted to live. I’m now enrolled in a nursing program and on track to become a RN.”
Program Spotlight
In early 2020, our CBH team began developing a new Housing Navigation database to enhance coordination between DWC case managers, DWC participants, and local landlords. The database allows us to better track housing units as they become available and work with case managers to fill them, while also collecting iterative feedback to ensure compatible matches between landlords and CBH participants. The new database has empowered our Housing Navigation team to be even more flexible and attentive to individual participants’ needs, especially those who are fleeing domestic violence, have experienced extreme trauma, or live with long-term physical or mental health conditions.